Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

FindURoute is your one-stop website for all your travel needs, whether you need assistance to book your flights with famed Airlines or arrange a budget-friendly travel package that matches your expenses and is up to your preference. But before proceeding with any of the services, it is mandatory to go through the terms and conditions once to avoid future problems. The given Terms and Conditions describe the instructions for utilizing our services, and if you are able to agree to the terms and conditions, you can access the services of FindURoute. Please read them thoroughly.

Accuracy of Information

FindURoute aims to provide the best and most accurate and current information to their customers, but we do not hold the warrant for the accuracy of any particulars like flight schedules or prices, or availability. Before making any reservations, make sure to confirm the details with the particular Airlines or service providers.

Services provided

FindURoute travel website opens a way for you to book your flights and vacation packages without any barriers or any other travel-related services. And it also makes sure that the customers looking for their desired travel choices have a smooth and dependable experience.

Booking and Payments

If you are meeting the legal age, then it is simple for you to go through the payment method. It is to make sure that the users are in charge of providing accurate and complete information when making reservations for flights or vacation packages using FindURoute. The payment transaction is done safely, and the user holds the responsibility for paying any extra fees or charges associated with bookings or taxes.

Intellectual Property

FindURoute, along with the third-party travel providers or any affiliates, holds the license for owning the platform’s text, images, logos, and artwork. These things should not be copied or transferred, or used in any way without permission. It is only exceptional if you want to use it personally rather than commercially.

User’s Responsibilities

The usage of our services depends completely on the user’s preferences. When any user register to our website, the holder of the responsibility is the user itself, and it is to make sure the details provided are correct. The secrecy of the account information is to be maintained by the user itself. Any occurrence of actions that can damage the platform, harm the security, or alter the platform’s functionality is restricted.

Privacy and data security

We prioritize the privacy and data security of our users and maintain it that way only. To learn more about how we take, store, and utilize your information, go through our Privacy policy.

  1. Information gathering

FindURoute restrains itself from gathering unnecessary data; however, during the booking process, the data which the users provide, like their name, contact details, payment transaction details, and travel choices, are collected only for the betterment of your experience. In order to improve the website to your liking, gathering technical data like IP addresses and browsing patterns may occur.

  1. Information use

As mentioned earlier, FindURoute collects information to process bookings, enhance customer services, upgrade the offers to the user’s liking, and update the user with the travel plan and special offers from time to time. And if for any analytical purposes, the data is anonymized.

  1. Cookies and tracking

Cookies or similar technologies may be used to improve the user’s experience and compile data in accordance with the user’s preferences. The users can turn off the tracking or manage cookies by simply changing their browser’s setting options.

Third-Party Links and Contents

To provide a better experience for the users FindURoute platform may include links or content websites which are associated with and operated by third parties. And FindURoute does not take responsibility for the accuracy, content, or business practices of these third-party websites; these are offered as a convenience only.

Limitation of Liability

FindURoute holds the responsibility for the correct information provided and displayed on the platform, and if any users find any wrong information, then they can let us know through the contact details given. Users understand that using our platform is done at their own risk.

User qualifications

To use our services, the user must be legally 18 years or older, and those who do not meet the age criteria must use the services under the guidance or supervision of a legal guardian.

These terms showcase the connection between FindURoute and its users. Reviewing and going through all these terms and conditions are mandatory before using our services. And also, checking up on these terms regularly for any revisions and changes is advisable. By agreeing to these terms and conditions, you agree to use FindURoute services.


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